Monday, July 12, 2010

Our God is Greater

Wow! What a day this has been. We were up early and eager to begin our day. After a fabulous breakfast we started on our work projects. We have two work projects going on. One is the redo of a teacher's lounge here at the school where we are staying. We were excited when we found out that part of the task included demolition. The other one is overhauling the school's learning garden. It was hard to escape getting dirty this morning especially since it has rained every day for the past 2 weeks. In the midst of the mud we were able to be in awe of the beautiful flowers that grow here year round. What a neat tie in to our VBS lesson on how God created the earth and everything in it. Even though the work is not finished we have already received several thank you's from the teachers.

After a hurried lunch we packed the bus and headed out to the VBS. We had a very memorable bus ride as the driver did not know where we were! We arrived at the school ready to go but the school was not expecting us due to a lack of communication on their director's part!!!! The director was on vacation and none of the staff knew we were coming. We quickly assembled in prayer with our hearts poured out to God looking for His wisdom and direction. God did only what He can do and in 15 minutes we had 37 eager, open hearted and energetic children before us to hear about our Awesome God!

Flexibility being key we were able to present our planned lesson for the day. We got to feed their hearts, souls and stomachs with so much goodness from the Lord. Language was not a barrier when it came to showing the Love of God and our love for each one of them. We were blessed by an abundance of hugs from the children at the end of the day.

Please lift us up in prayer for the VBS tomorrow as we are unsure of what to expect.
We love and miss you all.
Barbara & Janet


  1. Hey Team! So glad to hear from ya'll! Sounds like you are right where the Lord wants for you to be. :o) You have your plans, but are willing to hold them gently in an open palm, ready to sway with the circumstances. He is GOOD and he will provide the exact opportunities before you for his name to be glorified! Our task is to rest in the assurance that it is not our plans or schedules that need accomplished, but that we are listening and being moved in HIS direction. I agree, this can be difficult to do! But we are lifting you up in prayer and our thoughts are with you all!
    Keep up the good work!


  2. oh man, that is so awesome! I love how God works!! I love that you guys are trusting HIM and being Flexible! I love these pictures! We're praying! The kids and I were swimming today and I prayed for you while we were IN the pool at the time VBS was going to start. About ten minutes later Michaela, all on her own, just started praying for you guys too! Pretty fun. Can't wait to hear everything! Nobody forget anything! =) Love you all!

  3. You girls just did not want the 2009 team to outdo ya'!!! When we retunred home, we were COMPLETELY SURE that God's plan was soooooo much better than ours! We love you girls and prayed for you today at Bible Study!!!!
