Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday, July 11

If you are reading this on Sunday you get two posts for the price of one! The internet became available to us after dinner tonight. We've had an exciting day with an early start after arriving so late last night. We had a wonderful breakfast and then took the short walk over to the church. It is one of only a few Bible believing/teaching churches in Quito. It was wonderful to see people truly coming into His courts with praise! It was an exciting, joy filled time of worship and again, every girl's dream, a rose was presented to each of us as we were first time visitors. To some of the team it was a revelation of sorts that God is alive and working here in Ecuador. We tend to confine God to America which is certainly not the case!

After a brief tour of the school we had lunch and headed out to the equator! We had a great time exploring the mysteries of the earth God has created for us, and yes.........there really is a red line on the ground with a blue wire above it that denotes the exact location of the equator!

Driving through Quito we were awakened to the many needs that are here. Right now we are making the last minute preparations for VBS which begins tomorrow. Please pray for us, first of all thanking God for safe passsage and good health, and end by praying that we will become invisible tomorrow and that only Christ be seen in our lives as we do what HE has called us to do.

Cindy Griswold


  1. Ok, either Ben has changed a WHOLE lot since I last saw him, or there is some random guy in your equator picture. ;) And Sharon looks like a cheerleader. ;) PRAYING FOR YOU!

  2. Up late, thinking and praying for you all. So thankful for your posts and pictures. Almost feel like I am with you...

  3. we ARE praying for you all - can't wait to hear how the VBS goes!

  4. hey friends! so fun to see your faces btw! our media guys want me to suggest that for pictures (and video) that you try to zoom in as close as possible to the faces and the action! thanks, and THANK YOU for shining the light and love of Jesus in such a needy place!

  5. Yes, Jen, there's something in the water here. I really blend in with the locals now :) (okay, it was their guide at the equator museum)

  6. Hey Dear Ladies! I am just tickled pink to read how Johanna got through customs!!! The Lord is so creative and proves to us time and again, how faithful and awesome He is! I have had the opportunity to pray several times for "blinded eyes" and "safe passage" and I have seen with my own eyes how God can pass unseen through crowds, customs, police check-points, etc. He is so good!
    I continue to pray for you as you are doing VBS today and this week as well as the room make-over. The Lord is good to bring you to my mind as I have asked Him to do!
    You are all so dear and sweet to His heart! Hello to Mari, Ben, and the boys! And if Rosa is still cooking the food, you are all in for a TREAT! (She loves flowers if you want to say "thank you" to her :o)
    Keep us posted, we love the updates!

    Much love--Gretchen Bartels

  7. Thanks for all the comments!! The team loves to read them. It's fun to know who is reading our updates. We love all of you! -- Kim
